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Reduce waste in your Home.
Book an online Consultation Today

reduce waste in your home.
Book an online consultation today!

Walk away with a step-by-step plan to help you reach your goals!

Walk away with a step-by-step plan to help you reach your goals!

Fast track your household's journey to environmental friendly & eco-living by learning simple & practical ways to reduce waste within your home.

Fast track your household's journey to environmental friendly & eco-living by learning simple & practical ways to reduce waste within your home.

Find out more!

A Step by Step Plan to Help you Reach your Waste Goals

A Step By Step Plan to Help You Reach your Waste Goals

My online consulting sessions are here to help you overcome some of the common challenges when it comes to reducing your household's waste and living more sustainably.

Held over zoom or a phone call, we'll have a brief chat to get to know eachother, before I do a deep dive into your obstacles/challenges around your household waste. Next, we'll set some goals around improving your waste-levels & eco-footprint. 

We'll then develop a simple step-by-step plan you can follow to help you reach those goals! This may may look like:

  • Setting up simple 'eco-systems' that work for your family
  • Switching to sustainable products that suit your lifestyle/family
  • Closing the kowledge gap so that you feel confident about which bin your waste goes in
  • Fast tracking your composting knowledge and setting one up
  • Reducing your soft-plastics waste week by week

Walk away with a simple step-by-step process you can follow (emailed to you after your session), so that you can move towards a sustainable home, release the guilt & see improvements in your household's waste levels.

Follow up consultations available for ongoing support!

Initial consult - $165 (1hr)

Follow up - $115 (40 mins) 


it's all about understanding your rubbish

It's all about understanding your rubbish! 

Until you understand what is taking up space in your bin & why it's so important to reduce your landfill waste, it's pretty hard to make any impactful changes.

My online consults are here to help you understand your waste & its effects on our precious Planet. Once we've tackled that, we'll get started on simple ways you can reduce it & you'll start seing huge improvements in your household's eco-footprint. Best of all - you'll say goodbye to the guilt that goes with not doing enough for our Planet!

Learn Moreshutterstock_1339436498.jpg__PID:2e611643-922d-4cc8-93ff-52f7718c1fda

My story!

My Story!  

How a handful of rubbish inspired me to make BIG changes!

I'm Kim, an Adelaide mother of 2 and a passionate advocate for sustainable living and helping our precious Planet. I believe that by making better choices & having a better understanding of our rubbish and its effects on our environment, we can all make a positive impact to our eco-footprint.

My story began about 6 years ago, when our household's bins were overflowing with waste week after week.... 

Continue Reading My StoryKimberley-Gifford-Consult.jpg__PID:f9e373dd-8b4b-44d6-b483-c6cb01b5c867
Kimberley Gifford owner of Diminish, Adelaide Eco Store

Inspired by a Handful of Rubbish!

Inspired by a handful of rubbish!

Hi I'm Kim, a nature/Planet/ animal lover and mumma of 2 little ones.

My journey to sustainable living began when I had two little ones under two (yes that's a lot of disposable nappies). Around this time I heard of someone who only threw away a handful of rubbish each week!

That's when I realised there was a disconnect between my love of nature and our Planet, AND  our waste-levels. So, I re-evaluated my values and set some BIG goals around reducing our rubbish. I fast-tracked my knowledge of landfill waste, I sped up my recycling skills, and I set up my household's 'eco'-systems. Soon enough, I reached my goal! We started only throwing away a handful of rubbish each week.

Since then our eco-footprint has continued to improve week after week. We have probably deterred over 2000 kg of waste from ending up in landfill.  

I’m a passionate advocate for sustainable living and helping our precious Planet.

I believe that by making better choices & having a better understanding of our rubbish and its effects on our environment, we can all make a positive impact to our eco footprint. I love to educate families on how to make simple sustainable swaps within their homes to nourish their lifestyle and our Planet. If I can empower you to take control of your household’s waste, you’ll realise just how easy sustainable living is.

Whether you are just wanting to make some simple swaps within your home, or if you want to take it to the next level, my consulting services are designed to help you at every step of the way!

Whether you are just wanting to make some simple swaps within your home, or if you want to take it to the next level, my consulting services are designed to help you at every step of the way!

Valued Feedback.

Kim's profound knowledge and dedication to the enviornment has had a transformative impact on our household.

 Kim's profound knowledge and dedication to the environment has had a transformative impact on our household. Thanks to Kim's guidance, our eco footprint has significantly improved, and we now feel more empowered to make environmentally responsible choices.

Kim's passion for sustainability is truly inspiring, and we're grateful to have her as a resource for our journey toward a greener, more eco-conscious lifestyle.

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Annelise, Diminish Customer

Kim has a wealth of knowledge around making changes that positively impact our environment.

 Thanks to Kim we've been able to learn about eco switches and simple ways to reduce our waste. As a result we have made big changes to our family's eco-footprint.

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Lycie, Diminish Fan/Follower

This beauty is the sustainability queen!

This beauty is the sustainability queen. I did a zero-waste challenge with her last year and cut down on so much house hold rubbish.

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Jess, Diminish Customer

Valued Feedback.

Our eco footprint has significantly improved!

Kim's profound knowledge and dedication to the environment have had a transformative impact on our household. Thanks to Kim's guidance, our eco footprint has significantly improved, and we now feel more empowered to make environmentally responsible choices. Kim's passion for sustainability is truly inspiring, and we're grateful to have her as a resource for our journey toward a greener, more eco-conscious lifestyle.

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This beauty is the sustainability queen!

This beauty is the sustainability queen. I did a zero-waste challenge with her last year and cut down on so much house hold rubbish.

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I have learnt so much from Kim! The Diminish membership has really changed my thinking in so many areas.


Walk away with a step-by-step plan to help you reach your eco-living goals.

Walk away with a step-by-step plan to help you reach your eco-living goals.

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Send me your questions and I'll get back to you!

Pop in your details below and I will get back to you with all your questions answered!