With 6 years of sustainable living practices behind me, I'm here to help your community or staff members make eco living within the home easy, accessible and achievable.
I can teach the exact methods I used to go from throwing out over 10kg of household rubbish a week to throwing out less than 1kg each week, or I can tailor a workshop to suit your needs. Here's some examples of workshops I offer:
- Sustainable living in the home & 5 simple steps to help you get started
- Practical steps to help you get your household recycling right
- Quit plastic! 10 ways you can reduce your plastic waste within the home
- Low tox & Low waste living - how they go hand in hand and how to get started today
- 5 practical steps to help you reduce your household waste
If you're a council community manager, or team manager within your organisation and you're keen to help your community/staff start living more sustainably, please reach out via the contact for below to discuss a workshop suitable and for pricing.
Alternatively, please send me an email on contact@diminish.com.au.
I look forward to hearing from you!